Sunday, 4 December 2011


Icon Scrabble, an awesome web site. All you need to do is type something in to the text box for example George is a Ninja. and BAYM! It make your sentence into Icons! Like Google and Skype and Twitter and Tumblr. It is just amazing!

Click Here

PS it is also in German. XD

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Permfect Price

We made these persuasive writing peice for Mr Price to convince him to get a perm. This is my peice of writing.

A perm, Mr Price, lets not lie, this would be legitimately amazing. You NEED a perm. It would open up loads of doors for you, for example, a modeling career, distraction on the rugby field, and refresh your look.
Modeling. You could travel, see new places, you could even replace Dan Carter! Face it, that would be awesome. You might even get rich! You You could quit your job putting up with little annoying kids all day.
‘Bobson is up for the conversion, he takes a look at his opposition. Goes for the kick but his eyes glued to Warrick Prices hair due. He kicks, He misses, Kia Toa wins the match!’ That would be nice wouldn’t it, a distraction on the field to help you win the game. Get a perm, win the game!
Mr Price, we have heard the stories, you have had the same look for much, much to long! You need something new... something diverse... something like... a perm!
So Mr Price, you should get a perm, and become the
Permfect Price!

Thursday, 3 November 2011


This last few weeks we have been doing Probability in Maths and I have found it relatively easy, but it is really time consuming. But I really think the tree maps are boring, haha. We had to look at this Khan Academy Video.

Ninjas eat Breakfast, Why don't you?

Kyle and I are making a movie for our class 'Breakfast' project where we have to create something that will promote breakfast our school. So, we are making a movie about two ninjas (because we love ninjas) that wake up and one has breakfast, and the other, not so much. Then it cuts between the two ninjas, eg. Ninja 1 - Does a giant flying kick, then Ninja 2 - does a tiny kick and pulls a muscle...... LOL! We are filming on the weekend and on Monday.    

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Art with Miss Purdy

Back to School

Back at school after an amazing 2 week holiday. LAME! But I guess this is only a 7 week term so, I think I will survive.

My Term 4 Goals

I want to be able to work out BEDMAS equations by the end of the term.
  • Ask for help from my teacher, or parents
  • Use Khan Academy for help
  • Practice!

I want to get no detentions until the end of the year.
  • Not talk on the mat, desk, or anywhere I’m not supposed to
  • Be on my best behavior
  • If I get my name on the board then ‘zip it’ for the rest of the day

I want to be able to land a Backflip 720 on the trampoline by the end of the year.
  • Practice every day
  • Practice spinning
  • practice Backflip 540’s and then slowly keep moving more and more.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Monday, 5 September 2011

RUGBY World Cup!

The Rugby world Cup is about to start in New Zealand which is defiantly the biggest event of the decade for NZ. So for the Rugby World Cup in our class, our teacher has given us each a country to support in the RWC and I got given, yes, you guessed it, Australia. I was really hoping that I would be able to be Japan but I guess Australia will do. So I never thought I would ever say this but, GO AUSTRALIA!

Thursday, 1 September 2011


Yesterday we did a writing sample and I think I did pretty well with my BB Gun War story, 'BOOM Headshot n00b'. Pretty much its me hiding in a bush and shooting some dude in the face but I made it sound better than that. Check out the story ⥥ down there

BOOM Headshot, Noob!
“I’m in position, Move to point B, Over” I mutted through the walkie talkie as I eagerly tried to find a comfortable position in the thick rosemary bush.
“Ready to move on your mark George, Over” David whispered through the semi static radio, I got ready to go ahead with our genius plan to win this battle for once, so I said it, “MOVE!”
I saw him run out into the open, right into the line of fire, shooting the enemy with his very life (sort of) as the last surviving enemy of the heroic attack retreated like a coward...right into the point of my guns scope.
I slowly curved my cold, wet fingers onto the trigger of my gun. ‘Aim and Fire!’  BANG! The tiny bb bullet flew through the air like a gliding seagull and went right into my foes face! 
“Boom! Headshot Noob! This bb war is over!”

WOW First post in ages... (Maths)

Wow I haven't done a post in ages. Anyways, in Maths at the moment I am doind the Pythagoras Theorem which I am finding sort of simple because it is all just a simple formula that you have to through into a calculator...duh. We are also doing some angles of triangles and stuff. So  a square plus b square equals c square ⍢

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Radical Rarotonga

I just got back from Rarotonga and it was AMAZING. I went with my family, my Grandma and Poppa, and my Great Aunty. It was really warm but it was a bit rainy and a tad windy but that didn't stop us from going out and having a Super-Awesome-Epic time!

I went Scuba a pool...but it was still EPIC, and FREE. I did loads of snorkeling and saw a kazillion fish! We did lots of kayaking too! Our car was so cool , it was a convertible.....awesome....

Anyways, there is so much stuff I could go on about but pictures tell a thousand words so......

Chloe, Luke and I in the convertible


Awesome view from the tsunami evacuation site :D

Me and Dad Kayaking

Saturday, 30 April 2011

♪ Happy Birthday to Me ♫

Yes, it was my birthday on the 18th of April! I got a load of money and heaps of XBox Games and Mum and Dad got me some new speakers for my room. New Speakers + iPod = LOUD MUSIC!!!! Which is always good. I went rock climbing with my friends and watch 'Land of the Lost'. It was hilarious! I think that i could probably do that again.....Everyday!!!!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Tux Time

Imagine this! Having the power of morphing your clothes into any outfit, you could go from snowboarding down a hill in thick, warm clothing to T-shirt and shorts for the beach! Or go from clothes from a mucky day at work to a tuxedo for a wedding, 'Tux Time!' . People say 'I wanna fly' or 'I wanna breath under water', well...there is such thing as a diving suit and a jetpack, Duh! And when you're fighting crime, just chuck a S.W.A.T uniform on, with the bullet proof vest and a gun, you'll be 'all good'! But what would you do with these powers?

Thursday, 7 April 2011