Thursday, 24 November 2011

Permfect Price

We made these persuasive writing peice for Mr Price to convince him to get a perm. This is my peice of writing.

A perm, Mr Price, lets not lie, this would be legitimately amazing. You NEED a perm. It would open up loads of doors for you, for example, a modeling career, distraction on the rugby field, and refresh your look.
Modeling. You could travel, see new places, you could even replace Dan Carter! Face it, that would be awesome. You might even get rich! You You could quit your job putting up with little annoying kids all day.
‘Bobson is up for the conversion, he takes a look at his opposition. Goes for the kick but his eyes glued to Warrick Prices hair due. He kicks, He misses, Kia Toa wins the match!’ That would be nice wouldn’t it, a distraction on the field to help you win the game. Get a perm, win the game!
Mr Price, we have heard the stories, you have had the same look for much, much to long! You need something new... something diverse... something like... a perm!
So Mr Price, you should get a perm, and become the
Permfect Price!

Thursday, 3 November 2011


This last few weeks we have been doing Probability in Maths and I have found it relatively easy, but it is really time consuming. But I really think the tree maps are boring, haha. We had to look at this Khan Academy Video.

Ninjas eat Breakfast, Why don't you?

Kyle and I are making a movie for our class 'Breakfast' project where we have to create something that will promote breakfast our school. So, we are making a movie about two ninjas (because we love ninjas) that wake up and one has breakfast, and the other, not so much. Then it cuts between the two ninjas, eg. Ninja 1 - Does a giant flying kick, then Ninja 2 - does a tiny kick and pulls a muscle...... LOL! We are filming on the weekend and on Monday.